
Post race prep

So you've got back from the club, You've battled with the kerbs, had a few gentle (Ahem) knocks with other racers and now it's ...

So you've got back from the club, You've battled with the kerbs, had a few gentle (Ahem) knocks with other racers and now it's time to give your car a little TLC to ensure its ready for the next time out.

Here is my car, fresh from racing (and winning this week).
So the first thing to do is clean the car, a clean car is a fast car (just ask any F1 team). Cleaning your car is a great way to examine the chassis and check for any loose screws or cracked parts.

First up I brush the chassis down with a soft brush, you can be quite thorough as you get all of the fluff/dirt off the car.

The next thing I use is a can of compressed air to clear out any parts that are difficult with the brush, such as diffs and the inner bulkheads.
Now the chassis is clean I check the screws, and just set the car back on the pit board and push down on the chassis, this checks for any unseen loose suspension parts.
If you have more time you can pop it on your set-up board and check for tweak etc.

Also once a month you should lubricate the bearings in your brushless motor.

So the chassis is clean and serviced, it's time to clean the shell. Just brush it down and then remove the dark marks with WD40. It's so easy, just spray a little on some kitchen roll and rub it over the marks, it just comes off in seconds.

So there we are, all ready to race!
Tips 6395636465385498758

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