The Science of Setup: Part 5 – Camber and Camber Gain
This is an ongoing series of articles written by its creator Bob Wright. You can download a free trial version of the software , and lear...
The Science of Setup: Part 5 – Camber and Camber Gain
In this Episode we will be talking about Camber and Camber gain which is all about controlling where the rubber meets the road. The goal being to maximise the tire contact patch with the racing surface over as much of the chassis roll range as possible. Tire construction is a huge factor in determining the useful camber range. A more compliant tire carcass will deform more under lateral loading and allow a wider camber operating range. A harder tire will deform less and will be optimal over a much smaller camber window.So let’s see what it all about in the video tutorial
The Science of Setup: Part 5 – Camber and Camber Gain
Click Here to view Part 2 - Suspension Properties
Click Here to view Part 3 - Weight Transfer
Click Here to view Part 4 - Overall suspension stiffness.
Click Here to view Part 6 - Roll centre and Camber Gain Relationship