
42336 Tamiya TRF Setting Board review

I still treasure my blue aluminium setting board, despite the fact its not that durable. So I was excited when Tamiya announced a new se...

I still treasure my blue aluminium setting board, despite the fact its not that durable. So I was excited when Tamiya announced a new setting board, as finding a replacement is near impossible.

As soon as one was became available I ordered it even though there was no photos available, I was excited to see the final product.  
Unfortunately, once it arrived I realised it isn't anything special :(

Yes its just a board, what was I expecting? Well I was hoping that it would have something that would make it unique to Tamiya, what you get instead is just a standard board, with the smallest set of TRF stickers available.

The dimensions are 300mm x 405mm x 18mm and it weights 1062g, (Heavier than the larger blue aluminium setting board). In essence it is just like any other standard set-up board that you can pick up. It has one party trick.. One side is dark grey and the other...
Each side is a different colour
Well it is light grey! Erm that is it. 

So essentially you are just paying for a generic board with a small set of Tamiya stickers. You could just pick up a board and buy your own Tamiya stickers for less. Obviously I feel a little disappointed, could Tamiya have at least made one of the sides blue? They could even made one of the sides with a large sticker with the TRF logo and basic setting measurements.. like the quick mock up above.

Tamiya has been on a role, there are lots of brilliant hop-ups and accessories for us TRF guys, I just feel they dropped the ball a bit with this. Its fine, I will use it (Although I might find someone that can make me the large TRF sticker to slap on it). Hopefully next time Tamiya will try to match this beauty.
tamiya 7949856986975762886

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