TRF420 latest ETS rumours and pictures
Click here to read the full TRF420 Review article. The latest ETS has allowed some of the more eagle eyed racers to take a look at the ...
Click here to read the full TRF420 Review article.
The latest ETS has allowed some of the more eagle eyed racers to take a look at the latest cars in development including the TRF420.
So some of the big noticeable differences are:
- Carbon floating servo mount
- Revised lower 2 piece motor mount
- Wide front end (G-Parts)
- New lower deck chassis design
- Top deck is lower
- Low profile damper mounts with new trf shocks (not Xray ones)
- G blocks in front
The car is still not finished, and things can change but it is great to see how competitive the TRF guys have been so far with the car.
Here is Akio Sobue's car (Squint and you can see the floating servo mount) pic via FB
The Tamiya 420 will give you a natural high once you drive it.