Tamiya TA08 Pro: Top Deck And rear tower now available to buy

Lots of people have been asking about these carbon parts for the TA08 pro. This post is just to announce that they are available via Fibre-lyte. (Click the link).
Here is a bit of info on installation and order info for the parts.
TA08 Pro Top deck.
The TA08 PRO is great, but the flex is quite dramatic, so I experimented with a range of options to stiffen the chassis. I tried several types of top deck however I have settled for this design as the others would either foul the belt, touch the suspension arms or raise the roll centre. The top deck is made from 2mm carbon fibre.
To install this deck you need the following
- (8) - 3x18mm screws
- (4) - 8mm spacers & (4) - 7.5mm spacers / TopDeck Spacer parts (3D print).
For the spacers I initially used a selection of the Tamiya 53539 5.5mm Aluminium spacers. You want 5.5mm spacers I have also made an STL file for the spacers you can download here (Click link). if you have a 3d printer.
Top deck mounts.
The other, more fancy solution is to print out some of these custom top deck mounts. You need
- 2 x TA08DeckMountA
- 2 x TA08DeckMountB
I suggest you ensure you ream out the inner holes of the mounts to ensure that the screws slide through the spacers, and only screw into the bulkheads.
I like to ensure I screw the top deck down as I would with any dual deck chassis. In opposing corners and then final tightening, whilst on a tweak board. This ensures that the chassis is very straight.
As you can see the final parts once installed look good. They also have much less chance of tweak in a large collision.
Rear posts help to reduce body-tuck in a collision, along with not disrupting the airflow towards the rear of the bodyshell. Making the rear wing work more effectively. The Tower allows you to tweak the ride height of the body at the rear to compensate for different tyre widths and errors when drilling the holes. You will need to use a set of front bodyposts for this.
Thanks to Steve at Fibre-Lyte
I have invested my own time and money in these parts for the Tamiya community, at no profit for myself. These designs are always helped via feedback from other racers. So please let's share feedback and set-ups and I can try to refine or design other parts in the future :)
I own the rights to these parts so please do not copy them and sell them for profit.
Order the TopDeck
You can order it via fibre-lyte. It is listed on this page. They ship worldwide. Just contact them via their page to place your order.
TA08Pro Rear ShockTower
The second part is a new rear shock tower. The std TA08 has narrow posts that are ideal for Tamiya bodies. This rear tower is made for those who what to use std Touring car bodies when racing in non-Tamiya classes.
Up or out?
One of the other changes I have made is to provide TA08 racers the option to fit upwards rear bodyposts, or horizontal rear facing body posts.
The upward posts have the same position as the TRF420 body mounts. The TA08 kit comes with these as a spare, so you do not need to purchase any extra parts to use this solution.
Rear posts help to reduce body-tuck in a collision, along with not disrupting the airflow towards the rear of the bodyshell. Making the rear wing work more effectively. The Tower allows you to tweak the ride height of the body at the rear to compensate for different tyre widths and errors when drilling the holes. You will need to use a set of front bodyposts for this.
These just replace the kit part. You use the same screws.Order the TA08 Parts
You can order these parts via this page on the fibre-lyte. webpage They ship worldwide. Just contact them via their page to place your order.
Help develop more parts
If you appreciate the non profit work I have done, please feel free to tip me to help me to afford to develop more parts. You can make a Tip by clicking this link https://www.buymeacoffee.com/TheRcRacer
Disclaimer and thanks
These have been made as a contribution to the Tamiya racing community. There is no profit for myself and the parts can be ordered directly via Fibrelyte. These are just a tuning aid, I found them to work well, as has others who have tested parts. Every track / driving style is different so do not expect a golden bullet.
Thanks to Steve at Fibre-Lyte
I have invested my own time and money in these parts for the Tamiya community, at no profit for myself. These designs are always helped via feedback from other racers. So please let's share feedback and set-ups and I can try to refine or design other parts in the future :)
I own the rights to these parts so please do not copy them and sell them for profit.
I have read this thread a few times now and followed your TA08 a lot, decided to pull the trigger and get one, also ordered the deck from fibre lyte, with the rear brace and shock tower also, wondering if you could do a front one too.